Thursday, September 16, 2010

The drug that fuels passion

What we all need.. is more passion. Passion for something other than the mundane things we do in life. Unless of course your passion IS your life. I am not talking to you. You are already ten steps ahead of me.

Ideally, we would all like to be living our dream. But for those who are not producing music at your favorite artist's record label or traveling the world attending glitzy do's, where do you find passion? What is the strong sense of connection that keeps you going? How do you find the strength to take on life's chores that find no escaping.. the job, grocery shopping, social meet and greets.

Some of us go through life without finding that elusive something we'd give up saturday nights for. Others are in an eternal journey of discovering multiple addictions. I would like to have just one thing, one thing that would take me away from this monochrome film and transport me somewhere distant, if only for a few colorful moments at a time. I believe I have found my drug. May it bring me the peace I have been searching for. May you find yours.