Thursday, March 8, 2012


I haven't written anything in a teribbly long while. Looking back at some of my earlier posts, not that they were written with frequent alacrity then, but even so, I realized that I stopped writing about.. stuff. Like the post about blinking or the one about time. It became more.. mundane. Not that I haven't had the inspiration to write more about "stuff", but my fingers only want to keep churning out random events that are happening in real time. That's not what I want to write about. Somewhere along the way I stopped rambling about out of context, disconnected jumbles of thoughts.

I think a large part of it had to do with an increasing reluctance to be visible to everyone. With us getting more transparent day by day (hello facebook and twitter), I think this part of me wants to silently retreat. So I decided to go old school and bought a notebook and pen (Yes, I didn't have one readily available, blame my iDevices). I am looking forward to putting pen to paper again, in the literal sense, and awaiting my rambling in it's full glory. Will any of it ever find it's way here? I wonder.