My checklist of "Things to accomplish" by the time I am 25:
Go to a great grad school - Cancelled
Working a job I love - Pending
Pay off my student loans - Pending
Pursue one hobby I am passionate about - Check
Find myself a keeper - Check
Start travelling to new places - Check
Be very happy - ?
I went to a good school, not a great one, but good enough for the program I was attending. Going to a great school meant a greater amount of student loan(s) as well. I wisely decided to forego the brow-raising brand names in order to reduce my tuition bill and boy am I glad for it. Student loans are like bottomless pits. The more you try to pay off, the longer it takes to completely get rid of. Wait, that doesn't sound right, does it? But that's exactly how I've felt in the last few months since I started repaying them! Nevertheless, I digress. So, even though I didn't end up going to the school I wanted, it was a pretty good deal with it being in the heart of the Bay Area, making some good friends for life, and a program that is now well recognized in the industry here. Happy factor - 8 (on 10)
I am on my second job. This should have been the one to turn my life around. The first one was right out of school and as a struggling grad student, a perfect way of getting in the door, earn enough to pay the bills, and even have some left over to burn every other weekend. But it turned in to something that I loathed at the end of a year and I swore to myself that my next one would be more meaningful. Bearing working restrictions in mind, I moved on to doing something that I liked doing and was challenging. But alas, it's not going to "Show me the money". Still on the lookout. Happy factor - 4.5
Enough has been said about my student loans already. The only other thing worth mentioning is the fact that paying them off cannot even be deducted from my taxes unless I am a resident. Meh. Happy factor - Doesn't count. Really? What is there to be happy about?!
I feel sad looking at my camera gear gathering dust in the corner. I have been lacking in the motivation, inspiration and time it needs to be able to shoot good pictures. But a recent project I worked on is showcasing my pictures for the world to see. My signature might not yet be on them, but until that happens, these little bursts of activity behind the lens will keep me going. Happy factor - 7
It's just been a year since we started dating, but I realized that this was the real deal a few months in to it. Him, only a few weeks! He is everything I've ever wanted in a guy, and I am pretty pleased with the way things have played out. Happy factor - 10
I would like to travel a lot more than I've been able to do so far but travel for me is more than packing a backpack and getting on the road. It's not as fulfilling without friends or someone special to share new sights and sounds with. Now, with that not being an issue, I am starting to fully indulge myself. Weekend trips, mini vacations - here we come! Happy factor - 8
All things considered, I've got it pretty good. It doesn't feel the same everyday. In fact it's borderline frustrating every now and then as I struggle to find the right opportunities for myself. But the days when little things make the corners of one's mouth tug upward ever so slightly and burst in to full blown laughter on other's, are aplenty, it makes for one very happy panda!