Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Eyes shut, eyes open - Blink

So what do you think? Um...I don't know yet. Maybe it will come to me. Seriously? If you have no clue at the moment, what makes you think you are going to have an epiphany! Why not? I just need a better understanding of the situation. Understand, Evaluate, Validate. That's how it's supposed to be isn't it? The logical thought process of a normal humanoid. Ha! Nice try at claiming to be normal! But let's save that for another conversation. Since you are never going to be jumping out yelling Eureka at any point in the foreseeable future, I can try to elucidate.

Hold on! You are a piece of work you know that! Claiming to know me better than myself. I should just shut you out. This is what a person gets for being accommodating. I try to put a roof over your head and how do you return the favor? By trying to evict me? Well here's a news flash - I am the reason you exist! There you go being all high and mighty again. Get off your high horse woman! You are not superior to me in anyway! Sigh. You won't let me be will you. So what were you saying? That's better. Have you ever given much thought to that tiny voice in the back of your head? Two seconds, that's all the time it takes for you to really listen to it. Two seconds? You know that's like the blink of an eye right? I guess that's accurate.

Hmm. [Blink]. Well, I didn't hear anything! So this is how you want to play? We can keep at it all night if you want to. I am not going anywhere. Allright allright, I give. Let's finish this conversation already! So what about that tiny voice? It's me - A decision in the making, in the span of those two seconds. You just can't refer to it as a blink can you. Ugh! Me, instant, blink, moment, what have you! In that "Blink", you have your answer. Everything you need to know to make a decision, right inside your head. Learn to listen to it more often. I know you try to acknowledge it. Then why smother it? Because decisions are not supposed to be made in a blink! There are consequences to consider. And then consequences of those consequences. Oh wait, that bothers me. Do you know a synonym for the word "consequences"?

Sigh. Back to "Blink"ing. I am not asking you to undermine the "significance" of an impending decision. But do give more prominence to that voice. Give it a chance and hear what it has to say. And that is supposed to render my decision making process simpler? No, let me reiterate. That is your decision. Whether you want to accept the truth in it or not, that's what you are most probably going to arrive at, after all your understanding, evaluating, and validating. Ofcourse, they are just fancy words for blinking eh. Diss it all you want. But recollect incidents where your actions were based on spontaneous decisions. Do you see a pattern in any of them? You blinked. So why ignore it just because you perceive a decision to be of greater magnitude? I can tell you why, but I would have to blink. Gotcha!


freak-y said...

Some of the greatest minds work in blinks ;)

Akshay_P said...

Nice read. The pattern of the things thought of in an instant, well its random. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

It's got more to do with the heart-head conundrum, if u think about it !